Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas in the Kitchen

Hello again it's almost the weekend, and I feel like a chicken with her head cut off.... Do you all remember the tool box from last year? I went with green apples and boxwood branches this time. 

And I finally got a good picture of the kitchen window. Have a good weekend and I will see you Monday. 



  1. Love how fresh everything looks in silver and green. The windowsill is my favorite!

  2. Wow, the tool box works with what you've added to it. You know everyone is wanting mercury glass, Especially now seeing the acorns. xoxo,Susie

  3. Love the tool box and window decor! Very pretty!

  4. Very pretty! I have been ooohing and ahhing over mercury glass lately. Went on a home tour today and one house had lots of it. I must get some. :)

  5. Wow, where did you get those amaaaazing ornaments hanging over your window!!! Love them!

  6. Super cute Miss Pattie!
    I have fallen behind in my post reading...just saw your Christmas decor~everything looks so wonderful! I love it!
    I really love the snow on the trees and the tool box of apples is darling!
    Hugs and much love to you and Miss Tia!

  7. The old tool box with the green apples is so pretty. I love the big mercury glass acorns in the window

  8. The window is just perfect, love the mercury glass ornaments hanging in the sunlight, so pretty!

  9. It's the loveless tool box I've ever seen the trees in the window look great.

  10. Hi lovely lady.
    This was a great Idea so sweet. I hope you have a Wonderful New Year. xxxoo Diane
